Behind every physical ailment there’s an emotional imbalance.

empowering health and wellbeing

Reflexology Tooting London

Reflexology Massage Testimonial

“Such a fabulous reflexology treatment at The Interior Me yesterday, so relaxing and so crazily accurate with what Tina picked up, amazing. I am so lucky to have found her locally; I urge anyone in the Tooting area or beyond to go and visit for yourself! She has created a wonderful peaceful setting and atmosphere and I felt completely at ease throughout. I left thoroughly relaxed and still feel like I’m walking on air a day and a half later. Thank you so much, I will be back soon!”

— Marie Tay Tooting ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Five star Google Review

Why Reflexology?

Reflexology is a natural antidote to the aliments of modern living. From boosting your metabolism, balancing hormones, to improving digestion and energy it’s a

safe, powerful therapy that suits all ages.

Reflexology reduces stress and anxiety


Reduces Stress & Anxiety

Stress can impact a person both physically & mentally.
It can bring on insomnia, anxiety, depression, gut issues & many more. All of which can all lower the immune system & weaken us, bringing on more illness. Reflexology helps promote relaxation by reducing the amount of stress hormones that are released.

Reflexology improves sleep


Improves Sleep

A good night’s sleep is so important for cell growth and regeneration. If we start missing out on sleep our immune system slows down and we start getting ill.
Reflexology can target specific glands such as the Pineal gland in the brain which releases Melatonin to regulate our circadian rhythm which promotes consistent, quality rest.

Reflexology reduces pain


Reduces Pain

Reflexology can be as effective as painkillers for pain relief.

It is complementary to medical treatments, so it can be done alongside traditional care. With a course of sessions for pain relief clients find that it boosts feelings of well-being and find it easier to manage their conditions.


—the interior me: Reflexology studio based in Tooting Wandsworth, London


Hey, I'm Tina

I am a firm believer in being as chemical free as possible.
The saying…. Don’t put on your body what you wouldn’t put in your mouth.. is something I stand by because the skin is the largest organ in the body and the liver has to process all those chemicals. So you will receive your treatment & in a toxin free environment also using stripped back natural chemical & alcohol free ingredients. Helping to make your feet or face feel amazing. Sadly the more toxins we put on or inside our bodies the more we feel we need to add more to cover up the irritations & problems it creates.


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Join my 123,000 instagram followers who receive regular free foot & face reflexology tutorials to help with all kinds of issues from migraines, period pains, back, neck and shoulder pains to sinus relief all through working on specific pressure points on the feet!